Homelessness organizations join forces to present the Plan Trois pas de plus... pour mettre fin à l'itinérance.
In recent years, Montreal’s homelessness organizations have joined forces to present municipal and provincial authorities with proposals for improving the way services for people experiencing or at risk of homelessness are planned, funded and organized.
The Un pas de plus… vers la fin de l’itinérance plan, produced in June 2021 through collaboration between CAP St-Barnabé, CARE Montréal, Accueil Bonneau, La Maison du Père, the Welcome Hall Mission, the Old Brewery Mission and Projets Autochtones du Québec, aimed to transform ad hoc winter services into ongoing services and to improve an individual’s journey through the services and programs of helping organizations. Some of the proposals in the plan received government funding while others did not.
The needs identified in 2021 still exist today. We believe the results of the point-in-time count taken in the fall of 2022 will confirm what we've been seeing since the start of the pandemic: the number of people experiencing homelessness has grown and so have the needs.
The Trois pas de plus… pour mettre fin à l’itinérance plan, which was endorsed by Le Chaînon and Projet Logement Montréal, takes these needs into account and adds an essential element: the creation of resources and services to support the process of accessing housing. Work is in progress with the Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux (MSSS) to establish a coordinated access system, which will complete the plan by adding a regional organizing structure.
The Trois pas de plus plan targets people in emergency shelters and transitional housing. It aims to significantly reduce the number of people experiencing homelessness. It includes the vision and guiding principles that underpin our approach, a reminder of the points in the Un pas de plus plan, a proposal for supportive housing, and the issues surrounding the development and use of a coordinated access system.