When Dr. Andrew Mouland took on the task of planning his friend Lee’s bachelor party, he knew exactly what to do to have the groom and his close friends take part in the Old Brewery Mission’s Supper Experience, a hands-on fundraising activity. This three-hour experience involves touring the Mission’s programs and services for homeless men and women, followed by serving a nutritious meal to hundreds of people in need.
“I heard about it through my girlfriend, Maryanne. I give her full credit for the idea!” Andrew laughs. He explains that when Maryanne and colleagues from work had participated in a Supper Experience, they found it deeply rewarding and enjoyable. She had also heard about another bachelor party at the Mission.
“All of his close friends loved the idea. It just made a lot of sense to serve food to the needy for Lee’s bachelor party,” said Andrew. “He’s a big-hearted guy who volunteers his time, taking his two therapy dogs to hospitals, universities and nursing homes. Everyone agrees that this event is perfectly aligned with his personality and who he is as a person.”
Andrew and the other groomsmen quickly mobilized, setting up their campaign page through the Mission’s new (soon to be launched) online peer-to-peer fundraising platform to solicit donations from their family, friends and companies for the cause.
Andrew is eager to see the groom’s reaction. “I’m sure he’s wondering what we are up to! Lee doesn’t have a clue that his bachelor party involves volunteering and then a nice dinner of our own afterward. He’s going to be so thrilled and surprised!”
Catheryn Bergeron
514 788-1885, ext. 254