On the photo, from left to right: David Leduc, Executive Director of Development – Major Gifts, Old Brewery Mission, Marc Bibeau, President and CEO of Centres d’Achats Beauward Ltd., Max Craig, from the Centres d’Achats Beauward Ltd. team, Tracy, spouse of Mr. Bibeau and Matthew Pearce, President and CEO of the Old Brewery Mission.
On Wednesday, February 14, seventeen employees from Centres d’achats Beauward Ltd participated in the Lunch Experience for the tenth consecutive year. The company’s representatives, Marc Bibeau and his wife, Tracy, were also present to hand over a substantial donation to the Old Brewery Mission.
“For the tenth year in a row, my wife Tracy and I, along with the employees of Centres d’Achats Beauward Ltd., are pleased to be serving the Valentine’s Day lunch at the Old Brewery Mission. I would like to thank everyone involved, by landing a helping hand and making small miracles happen on a daily basis. That is why, to mark the tenth anniversary of our partnership with the Mission, we have decided to raise our financial support to $50,000 dollars, in addition to the many items collected from the families of our employees, in the hope that it will bring a little comfort and joy to those how need it the most” said Mr. Marc Bibeau, President and CEO of Centres d’Achats Beauward Ltd.
This major donation is proof of the company’s support for the Mission’s vision. “It means a lot to the Mission to have such dedicated friends, who come back year after year and who follow through on their pledge to support us,” stated Matthew Pearce, President and CEO of the Old Brewery Mission. “A donation of this size shows that they really value the work we do here at the Mission and that they appreciate the human dimension of the services we offer. It also shows that they share our vision to put an end to chronic homelessness in our city, once and for all. For this, we are deeply grateful to them.”
Thanks to the many items collected, the employees were able to hand out brand new warm clothing, including gloves, scarves and socks, to help the Mission’s clients face the freezing winter temperatures.
As usual, other employees pitched in to serve hundreds of meals which, on Valentine’s Day, wouldn’t have been complete without heart-shaped chocolates and a smile.
The Old Brewery Mission wishes to sincerely thank Centres d’achats Beauward Ltd. for its generous donation and for its ongoing commitment to the homeless men and women of Montreal. Thank you for helping us put an end to homelessness!