A benefit improvisation match took place July 26, 2016 at the Broue Pub Brouhaha, located in Montreal’s Rosemont neighborhood.
Entrance to the show is free for women. At half-time, the teams pass a hat around the room to collect cash, and the audience places money in the hat of their preferred team. After the countdown, the team having raised the most money challenges another improviser. A hilarious donation!
Four improvisation duos went up against each-other:
Stéphanie Morin and Fabiola Aladin
Christine Morency and Michelle Desrochers
Mélanie Langlais and Julie Dumais
Florence Longpré and Suzie Bouchard
…and the referee was, Nisrine Kassouf
At the end of the night, the donations and the entrance fees payed by the gentlemen in the audience added up to $430!
One of the event organizers is Christine Morency, a facilitator in women’s services at the Old Brewery Mission’s Lise Watier Pavilion.
The following is a word from her:
”We often hear that one should keep a certain distance between professional and personal life, but I think that in my line of work, the two are inseparable. The search for solutions is constant, and all the better!
”It’s by taking a walk in the cold that we manage to find alternatives for those who sleep outside. It’s by searching for ways to cook on the smallest of budgets that the idea of a collective kitchen to feed those with less means can spark. On my end, it’s by practicing my passion for improvisation that I choose to lend a hand.
”Le Cabaret Tandem had approached me to organise a benefit improvisation match. The concept of women performing to assist women in need is an absolutely brilliant initiative! I immediately suggested the Old Brewery Mission’s women’s services to be our benefactors of choice. Eight talented women stepped up to the plate. Before the match, I explained the services which the Mission provides and the crowd was extremely generous! Beyond the quality of the show, what counts is the generosity of those who are present. Together, even small amounts contribute to extraordinary results.
”I am proud of us all, I am proud of you all. Together, we make a difference. Always!
”Thank you once again to the audience who was present. Thank you to the improvisers who made of this show an extraordinary moment, and thank you to the feminist-men of Cabaret Tandem who initiated the project and who hold dear the cause of helping women in need!
”And a BIG THANK YOU to all the women who, day after day, give meaning to my work and inspire me in my personal projects.”