Gifts in kind provide tangible help to people experiencing homelessness.
This is a question we often hear at the Old Brewery Mission. Which is why we've compiled a list of the most popular and useful items.
Food donations make a huge difference in what we can offer our residents. Our team is committed to making sure that no food goes to waste and leftovers are used in other recipes. It just takes a bit of creativity.
To donate goods, please contact Christopher Quinn, Logistics and In-kind Donations Manager.
Donations can be dropped off day or night at the Webster Pavilion reception desk, 915 Clark Street.
915 Clark Street, Montréal
To make a corporate goods donation, please contact Chantal Rollin, Manager, Third-Party Fundraising for Goods and Services Donations.
To donate food, please contact Mohammed Amine Boukhou, Head of Food Services.